Chamber Door 1996
This 1996 piece was deconstructed and re approached for the current exhibit at Monterey Peninsula College Art Gallery. The interest in the ground (background) led the way for a reinterpretation of the figure (focal point).
A process of "sketching" in collage begins the dialogue of recreating the figure and a new narrative to the piece. Prior to this process a monolithic shape on the ground was recognized and further defined by glazing an atmospheric white along the left side.
A second iteration of narrative sketching, searching for the voice in the piece, does it speak to the artist in a visceral honest way, is it visually "taking off" into the depths of a deeper mystery? Not enough!
A variation on the original sketch was the way, so the commitment to paint and glue down the parts proceeds. The work is finished or is it? The question shall answer itself with time, this trust in the mystery is a necessary component in the process and relationship of the artist to the spirit of the work.
This is where something comes along and a new dynamic becomes present. The piece was not, over time, feeling finished and languished in a half state of completion. As chance would have it the lower portion of another painting found its way to the side of the piece and provided the power that was lacking.
As the Known Expires 1996-2013
That happenstance led to an entirely new technique in the painting process a letting loose of control and manipulation, a "fluid state of being" resulting in the right side ephemeral image (above), unifying and eventually finishing the piece.
Byproducts of Process: The Honest Work
These shots capture the process, the magic and mystery that inspires these works.
Sunlight across a floor painting with reflections from the wet surface of a floor canvas projecting on to the wall.
Dry white paint on the studio cement floor after the canvas of a floor painting was removed.
All photos and text property and copyright of Glenn Carter